Monday, August 23, 2010

The Flood

Author Unknown

Once upon a time there was a man of great faith. The man lived in a small town. One day it began to rain. The rain continued until the streets in the town began to flood. The mayor sent police officers through the streets, knocking on doors and shouting through bullhorns for the citizens to evacuate their homes. But the man said, "No, I will not evacuate, God will save me."

The waters continued to rise until the man was forced to climb the stairs to the second floor of his home. Soon the mayor sent the fire department on rafts through the streets of the town. They called to the man to get into the raft. But the man shouted from his second floor window, "No, I will not get into a raft. God will save me."

The rain fell heavily and soon the water rose above the second floor. Now the man had to climb to the roof of the house. The mayor sent the rescue squad in a helicopter. They dropped a rope ladder and shouted over the din of the propeller blades for the man to grab onto the ladder. But the man called back, "No, I will not take hold of your ladder. God will save me."

Soon the flood waters rose even higher and washed the man off his roof, and he drowned in th raging current.

When the man reached heaven, he angrily banged on the gates and demanded to see God. After some negotiation, he was taken to the Throne. The man said, "I am a man of great faith. Why didn't you save me?"

And God replied, "Well, I sent you police officers...the fire department...the rescue squad..."

Shared by Patty B. ♥

1 comment:

Women's Focus Ministries said...

I have heard this story before. It is so true. If we waited for God's hand to sweep out of heaven and pick us up and put us where we need to be we would probably have to wait for a long time. Of course, I believe that He CAN do such things, but His way is often to use the people and natural events to achieve the help we need for us.
