Saturday, August 21, 2010

Book Review

The Secret Things of God
written by Dr. Henry Cloud

This book is a positive Christian alternative to the best selling book The Secret. It reveals the "secret things of God" - secrets about God, about happiness, about relationships, and about your purpose. These tested spiritual truths reveal principles that make life work.

Author Dr. Henry Cloud clearly and simply shares truths that have the proven ability to fill you with security, hope, purpose, and meaning - and make your life work. Cloud also explains how these truths, found in Judeo-Christian teachings, intersect and interface with the spiritual longings expressed in the principles found in The Secret and similar books; he further reveals where biblical truth transcends and differs from these principles. Recognizing and applauding the universal search for truth and connection with a power beyond the human. Cloud leads readers into relationship with a personal God who loves them and has given all to save them.

I recommend The Secret Things of God
Patty Billingham

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