Monday, September 13, 2010

Starfish Story

When you think what you say or do may not matter - remember this little story:

You may have heard the story of the young boy seen walking on a long stretch of beach that was covered with starfish. The tide had washed in the little creatures and deposited them on the beach. When the tide went out, the starfish were left stranded and dying. An old man observed the boy as he stooped down, picked up the starfish one by one, and then gently tossed them back into the sea. "young man," he said, "look at all these starfish! There are thousands of them all up and down this beach! Do you really think you're going to make a difference?" The boy stooped down, picked up another starfish, and tossed it into the ocean. "I made a difference to that one." he answered simply.

Shared by Patty B.

1 comment:

Women's Focus Ministries said...

I love this story. Often when we are in Bangladesh and there are so many beggars and so little takhas I remind myself that I have the power to at least make a difference to one or two of them.

Thanks for this great reminder Patty!