Monday, July 5, 2010

The Ups and Downs of Life

We have all been there, you know, the days you feel like you are drowning and no matter how hard you paddle you seem to get further and further in deep waters and depression and anxiety sets in. And you sometimes wonder where God is in all of this. We women want to make it all better for everyone – and now! It’s how we are made up. But I often find it is a matter of letting go. Letting go of expectations, letting go of the controls, letting go of trying to fix it all. It is a matter of giving it up to God. Trusting he is in control and he is working on the matters of your heart. Is it easy? No. Do I need to give it to God often? Yes, sometimes moment to moment. It means to “cease striving and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). It’s about “casting all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Does God hear us? Yes. And yes, He responds; sometimes it takes time, a long time. But His timing is always best. Just two days ago I found out one of my prayers was recently answered. I have been praying this prayer for 19 years, yes 19 years! And God answered it, in His timing, and it was better than I could have imagined. So let’s work hard on giving it up to God. Let go of the controls and watch Him work! Trust that He loves you and knows what is best for you and your loved ones.

Right now go to Him in prayer and tell Him you surrender the matters of your heart to Him to do a good work ♥

Written by Patty B.


Jan A said...

Have trouble letting go? I do - and the amazing thing about God is that I can even ask God for help doing that. Loosen my death grip, Lord! Because the tighter I hold onto things, the more danger I am in.
Thanks Patty!

patty said...

Yes, honestly going to God with our fears about letting go and trusting Him will allow Him to see us through.

Women's Focus Ministries said...

I am often like the child who lets go of her helium balloon and then jumps and reaches trying to get it not actually funny!

Thanks Patty

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is like a tug-of-war for me. I won't let go. Then I make things a bigger mess.