Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In Times of Uncertainty

"My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God"(Psalm 84:2)

In times of uncertainty we can naturally become anxious and fearful of the future, the unknown. We worry what will be taken from us, what will be no more. And yet it is these thoughts that bring me back to what I truly know can never be taken away from me - my relationship with God. As I am sitting here on my front porch beneath our majestic oak tree watching the comings and goings of the birds, the squirrels and the butterflies I am reminded of my relationship with God. Like our oak tree that provides shade, shelter, food, protection and comfort to the animals; my God provides for me all that I need. He is my Provider, my Protector, and my Comforter. Like our oak tree that stands strong, extending its branches out waiting for the animals to come; my God waits for me, extending His love out yearning for me to come. Yes, waiting for me to come and experience His everlasting love. And like the animals that come daily to take refuge in our oak tree; I can find refuge in my God. And that is why my soul longs and yearns for my God. That is why my heart can shout with joy even in times of uncertainty. And yes, He longs for you to come to Him.
Written by Patty B.

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