Experts estimate that up to 75% of all meidcal disorders are directly influnced by stress. In addition to the link to the development of coronary heart disease and other life-threatening diseases, psycho-social stressors may also cause gastrointestinal problems, including peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis, skin disorders such as eczema, headaches, hypertension and respiratory aliments such as asthma. Recent research has also identified specific effect of stress: changes in lymphocyte levels, a strong risk factor for cancer; innumoreactivity; and sodium and fluid retention that cause hypertension. The growing suicide rate in the United States and high incidence of depression have also been correlated with stressful life events. Stress also creates many physiological changes and there is a close relation between stress and anxiety. Anxiety reduces a child's ability to learn and there are several behaviors related to anxiety which interfere with proble-solving ability.
Signs of Stress
Following are symptoms of stress often exhibited by children. Any symptom observed as happening often may indicate need for follow up by a teacher, counselor, parent or physician.
1. Heachaches
2. Stomach problems - diarrhea, constipation, nausea, heartburn
3. Heart pounding
4. Aches and pains
5. Muscle jerks or tics
6. Eating problems - no appetite, constant eating, full feeling without eating.
7. Sleeping problems - unable to fall asleep, wake up in middle of the night, nighmares
8. General feeling of tiredness
9. Shortness of breath
10. Dry mouth or throat
11. Teeth grinding
12. Stuttering
13. Uncontrollable crying or not being able to cry
14. General anxiety, nervous feelings, or tenseness
15. dizziness and weakness
16. Irritable and easily set off
17. Depressed
18. Accident prone
19. Feeling angry in general
20. Feeling overwhelmed and unable to cop - wants to run away
21. Nerous laughter, easily startled, jumpy
22. Bored
23. Feeling rejected all the time
24. Unable to concentrate of inish things
25. Never laugh
26. Does not have friends
27. Does not finish homework
Note: information was taken from "Ready Set R.E.L.A.X." book by Jeffrey s. Allen, M.Ed. and Roger J. Klein, Psy.D.
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