Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Are The Benefits Of A Personal Relationship With The Lord?

STABILITY. A relationship with God is like an anchor that keeps you grounded - no matter your circumstances.

SECURITY. Knowing the Father intimately takes away your fears because you know you can trust His unfailing character and provision.

SERENITY. Even in difficult times, you have peace because you have confidence that your situation is in His capable hands.

SENSITIVITY. You become more responsive to the work of the Holy Spirit and to the needs and emotions of other people.

SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING. You will begin to comprehend God's Word in a deeper way than ever before, and He will teach you to see your life from His perspective.

Our intimacy with God - His highest priority for our lives - determines the impact of our lives.

Material  from In Touch Ministries

Shared by Patty B.

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