Sunday, November 21, 2010


(By Paula Young Shelton)

I need to have you hold me and let me know you care.
I need to be let go to explore all that I dare.

I need you to set limits and always to be fair.
I need you to be patient as I wander everywhere.

I need to make mistakes sometimes,
under your watchful eye.
I need a safe environment for the
new things I will try.

I need to learn by doing. My learning looks like play.
I need to know I can trust you
and that you mean what you say.

I need to be corrected in a voice that's firm but low.
I need to hear some other words besides just,
"No! No! No!"

I need you to be consistent, so I always know
what to expect.
I need you to listen to me, 'cause even little ones
need respect.

I need lots of attention. So don't get too upset.
I need to ask lots of questions.
There's so much I don't know yet.

But more than all of the above.
What I really need is love.
No matter what I do or say.
I need to know you love me anyway.

Shared by Patty B.

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