Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Little of This And A Little of That

Quote For The Week

Thomos Edison tried two thousand different materials in search of a filament for the light bulb. Someone once asked him how he felt about failing more than two thousand times. Edison responded:
"I never failed. This was just a process that had two thousand steps to it."




The Transparent Life
30 Proven Ways to Live Your Best
Author: Naomi Judd

"Let these 30 proven, practical choices inspire you to uncover your best you."

"With unwavering optimism and characteristic inner strength, Naomi stepped out of the spotlight to explore paths that have led to new successful endeavors. Today, she is completely cured of the Hepatitis C virus and uses the strength of her own experiences as spokesperson for the American Liver Foundation. In 1991, Naomi created the houshold name and personal time to raise invaluable awareness of the deadly Hepatitis C virus as well as research funds for the American Liver Foundation.

Though her creativity continues to flow through music and writing, today Naomi also expresses her energy on humanitarian activities, social issues and personal growth education. Her natural ability to act as a translator between academic communities and everyday people makes her a truly unique figure.

Shared by Patty B.

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